Thursday, January 31, 2008


I find it interesting what has happened with education in the past 500 years. Today everyone in Western Society has a chance to obtain an education, with few exceptions. 500 years ago, generally speaking if your parents were peasants, you would be a peasant. There was not a whole lot of mobility. So one would say that today we have a better education, or do we? Yes today everyone learns, but your are put into a learning style and for the most part you do not have a choice as to how you will be taught from ages 3 to 18. There are learning styles that are not conducive to a classroom setting. 500 years ago there was freedom in how one could think. One should look at the inventors during the renaissance time and the influences they had. It is my belief that today we have many minds that are going to waste inside the classroom, where as 500 years ago those minds might have been able to progress. How many Da Vinci's have we lost? How many Shakespeare's failed out of high school. Once can only ponder if we are executing the correct educational system today.

1 comment:

PiNk1062 said...

I see what you're saying. I don't know though because I think that today you are given more oppotunities to express your thoughts and ideas whereas 500 years ago you may not have. It does suck to see great minds and great talent go to waste though!