Tuesday, March 25, 2008

No sleep till brooklyn

Why cant i sleep, i swear to god i wish there was a machine that just put me to sleep, although there defianltly is. Is all because on the weekends i decide to stay up till 4 in the morning and wake up around 2 in the afternoon, so when i have to be up at 6 am for mornnig lift for football, i have gotten then about 2 hours asleep, its not a whole lot of fun let me tel you. To make matters worse later that day around 4 pm my body decides to shut down and take a nap so sleep for 3 hours and then cant go to sleep when i would like in the evening, so the same cycle starts over again. And of course my day is just non stop like anyone else's, and i tend to stress over lil things and think way too much. Im just voicing this because i need to know if im the only crazy person out there who thinks way to much, which in turn does not allow them to sleep, add this to my weekend sleep habits, and it makes for one night of no sleep. I guess the beastie boys could not have said it better when they said, "no sleep till Brooklyn"

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