Thursday, February 28, 2008

Foo Fighters Concert Adventure

This past weekend was quite the experience for myself, earlier in the week my friend who goes to Syracuse said he had a ticket for me to a foo fighters concert in Binghamton, the week went by and Friday finally arrived, i went to down to the station to buy my tickets for a bus down to Binghamton, and was heart broken when a sign on the window said all greyhound buses for the day had been canceled. I called my friend in Syracuse and told him the news, being the honor student that he is he decided to look into this dilemma he reports back and tells me the Grey Hound is back on, so I am ready to go right? I arrive at the station for a second time to purchase my ticket, this time the door isn't locked and I am able to speak with a lady at the desk, i ask her if the buses are back on, she says no! I'm taken back by this and begin to rack my brain around this, so i tell her, my friend in Syracuse says the buses are back on. "Oh well what bus do u need?" the lady asks, i tell her i just need a round trip from here to Binghamton, "OHH" she says "That bus is running". Excuse my French but what the hell!!! She told me all buses were canceled. Is the bus from Syracuse to Binghamton not a bus? Why would she say all buses were canceled, when not all of theme were? If it not had been for my friend i wouldn't have gotten a ticket for that concert. Oh yeah, so my friend prior had told me the bus had left Syracuse, and she tells me yeah the bus hasn't left yet, i was like are u sure because my friend is on that bus and he said it left? Im pretty sure his vision is decent enough to tell between moving objects and still objects. Anyways i get on the bus go to the concert and i got within a few feet of the lead singer, Dave Grohl, pretty amazing. After the concert we have some time to kill before we catch our bus so we wonder around Binghamton, hit up the local Denny's which is delicious at 1 in the morning. Then we invade numerous gas stations in search of diet coke and Mentos, i think u see where this is going, we illegally cross a highway and and try to set off the the Mentos and diet coke, one of his friends that came along from Syracuse gets splattered with diet coke. We call a taxi and arrive at the bus station around 1:40 for a 1:45. So 1:45 passes and its really cold, were waiting out side because the station isn't open at this hour. Well it gets to about 2 o'clock and were starting to get a little worried, where could this bus be? Suddenly an old ragged man approaches us, asks if we have money to spare for a mentally disabled veteran. I literally did not have any money to give, but if i had i wouldn't. The acting job was about as good as Nicole Richie's i was not about to give this old man who is just to lazy to get a job or go to a homeless shelter a motive to barter future persons at this bus stop. Well were waiting and finally after 2:30 the bus arrives we start jumping up and down as were freezing at the moment. The bus arrives in Cortland, i arrive to my empty room, my roommate has gone home, again, for the weekend i am alone, and i say, what a night!


Joey said...

Wow, that is a very interesting day and night! I would have been very upset with the ticket booth lady as well. But at least you made it to your concert and had a good time. Foo Fighters are a good band, I wish I could have made it to that concert.

PiNk1062 said...

Sounds like you a had a good weekend!! I'm a little confused about the coke and mentos thing though..I didn't know where you were going with that so you're going to have to explain that to me!