Thursday, February 14, 2008

Clemens and McNamee

This whole situation between Roger Clemons and Brian McNamee has made me sick. My first problem is that why is a situation of this matter on capital hill? Are there not more important problems that are in our country besides whether or not a trainer injected a player with steroids? Poverty, education and our troops overseas our more important than the conflict Roger Clemens and Brian McNamee. These congressmen must have something more important to do then oversee this trial. What i can't understand is why cant one of these men tell the truth. One of these men will go to jail for perjury and yet they continue to dig a hole deeper into the ground. This problem is not just localized to athletics. It is a problem nationwide. Our nation seems to have a problem with the truth. Now i am not on a soap box here stating i do not lie, i do. It seems that many a times "we cant handle the truth" This identity of our nation and lying creates an atmosphere where its almost impossible to believe one and one has to always be on guard. This car has the best mileage or this food is the best for you, or better yet this politician is best for you. I find it increasingly more difficult to believe anything presented to me. As one who went through the college football recruiting process i was constantly conflicted with what certain coaches were telling me about my status as a recruit and other schools. It made my process of selecting a school very stressful and defiantly affected my play in basketball that year. We will not know who is telling the truth in the Roger Clemens and Brian McNamee case for while. This case only exemplifies the nations inability to be tell the truth. Until people start telling the truth, it will be our duty as citizens to be skeptics of everything we here and say.

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