Thursday, February 7, 2008

Can you believe the media?

Lets face it. The television is the largest and most important media outlet. Messages are bombarded at us everyday in order to buy a product, vote for a candidate or eat at a certain restaurant. But what can we believe? Should we simply disregard everything we see on television has nonsense or the other end should we believe everything? A place in the middle is most likely the best place. One has to remember that when we are watching T.V. what is being sold and supported. Obviously a program that endorses Nike will support Nike. Another program that supports Adidas will support Adidas. When it comes to buying products one should look at the facts, customer reviews are often helpful as long as there is not a motive for them supporting a certain product other than it is efficient. One may have asked at one time who should i believe Dan Rather's or Tom Brokaw? One's station may be very supportive of a certain political party and in turn may deliver news that is skewed in order to favor that party. One can look at NPR, national public radio, it has been known that the station generally speaking holds a liberal view. Not to say they will deliver false news. But they will generally support liberal views whether it be on the show, car talk or midday magazine. One has to be open to different news outlets, remembering that T.V. stations such as FOX and radio stations such as NPR will support different ideas, and one should find a spot in the middle when looking what to believe. Its obvious that the media plays a large role in our daily lives, one should always be somewhat skeptical and always chinks in the armor. If you cant find anything wrong then most likely it is a reliable source. But if you continue to find faults and unreliable sources then there is something wrong.

1 comment:

XCKorvorkaLedZep said...

That makes perfect sense that you can see a certain station supporting different things especially during campaign time right now.The people usually vote the way the polls say they'll go but this year they threw those completely out of their minds.