Monday, April 7, 2008

Arlington Road

I saw a great movie the other day, Arlington road. Its interesting because the movie came out in 1999 and its on terrorism from within the united states. The move stars Jeff Bridges and Tim Robbins, Tim Robbins is the main guy from Shawshank Redemption. Its based on the main character, Jeff Bridges, suspecting his neighbor, Tim Robbins, is a terrorist. Its got so many twists and turns your head will want to spin. The ending is quite the shocker. Well anyway i guess the reason i cared to mention the movie is the eerie timing of the movie, how it came out only two years before 9/11, yet the paradoxical theme is that instead of having terrorism come from some far away place, its actually right in our backyard. I mean today people want to stereo type and say that just because that guy looks Muslim he is a terrorist, well if were going to start throwing these assumptions around, you might as well suspect the guy that delivers the mail every afternoon. There are people born and raised in this country with a long lineage of family from the U.S that are just as capable, remember the Oklahoma City Bombing? I agree that we should obviously be wary of our borders cause there are a lot of people that do not like America. But we should remember that a lot of those people live and have family that lived in America for a long time. Maybe its a cliche that is passed around too much but i feel like these times right now are truly frightening, considering the global climate crisis, the economy and the actions the United States has decided to take considering global affairs. Hopefully with elections coming up things will change for the better in the following years.

1 comment:

Prof. Emerson said...

I love the movies with surprising plot twists.

One great older one is No Way Out with Kevin Costner. I won't give away who the Russian spy is...