Thursday, April 24, 2008

I love you mom

A few weeks back our coach asked a simple question, had we told our mom we loved her. We all sat there wondering where this had come from, and were quite perplexed obviously. Well he went around and asked us, i told my coach that i had said "I love you mom" a few days ago. Well everyone else answered and said you should always tell your mother that you love her because you never know what will happen in your life. He then went on to explain that while he was at a coaches clinic one of the coaches players died in a car accident. Our coach explained how that player was just like us, on his way to a meeting he thought he would make, unfortunately he never made it. Well i thought you know thats true i should really tell my mom i love you, but didn't think things like that could really happen to me or the people around me. A week later, i get a phone call from someone that goes to Cortland State thats from my home town, and he sounds really somber, and me thinks what is going on right now. Turns out there had been an accident, involving alcohol. He mentioned a name which at first i didn't recognize. I knew the name though, just couldn't put my finger on it. Well a few minutes passed and i came to the horror that one of people that passed was one of my best friends sister. Emotion came over me as i began to think that was his little sister, and began to think how he must be feeling right now and i couldn't take it, so i did something i haven't done in a while, i went for a run. And as i ran through the black night i began to think about what my coach had said, realizing that these things that happen can happen anyone anywhere, Well my mom emailed me later the next day, explaining what had happened, and i never got to say i love you mom, well if you look at the title you see where i went and was going with this. Don't forgot to tell you mom you love her, because you never know when it might be your last.

1 comment:

PiNk1062 said...

You should always tell your mom you love her. You really never know what could happen these days. Things happen when you least expect it.