Monday, April 14, 2008

Fight Club

This past weekend in the wee hours of the morning i witnessed an exceptional film, Fight Club. Starring Brad Pitt, and Edward Norton. The movie follows the main character and his inner struggle as he goes through the rigors of daily life and how he becomes bored and has to resort to fighting in order feel. From this "Fight Club" is spawned. Brad Pitt is the man as usual, and if looks could kill well Mr. Brad Pitt would be a serial killer. I know what some of you may be thinking, shame on you for waiting this long to witness this spectacular film, i apologize, but its better late than never. Back to the movie, Edward Norton narrates throughout the film and don't ask me how but it works, it works really well. Nortons' character loses everything in his apartment, and decides to live in a house that the devil would pass up on for a home. He starts seeing this girl who is a nut and that creates a bag of turmoil. This movie is so great not just because of the lineup of characters and dialog , although both are phenomenal, the movie basically holds a mirror up to society and you realize how material things have taken hold of our lives and how the things you own really own you. It strips the human of material things in the movie. It makes you really sit back and wonder about how the things we own today own us, ex. cell phones, could any of us really get by with cell phones, well at one point we did, but not anymore. And computers, how would you get by without having a laptop in your room, or for that matter without a computer on campus, well there was a time when there were no computers on college campuses, but that time is obviously long gone. Fight Club is an outstanding movie, and if you haven't seen this movie, then you owe it to yourself to witness a landmark in pop culture. Thats all folks.


PiNk1062 said...

Sounds like an interesting movie! Especially because Brad Pitt is in it :)

Ronaldinho44 said...

definitely an awesome movie the fights are crazy and the acting is very good