Thursday, April 10, 2008

Warm Weather

We are finally getting rid of old man winter! The past week's weather has been exceptional, and i have taken advantage of it. Iv spent the week playing whiffle ball in the quad, playing catch and using lacrosse sticks for the first time, my high school did not have lacrosse i played baseball. Not only did i play in the sun, i worked in the sun. I took the time yesterday to study for a biology test out in the quad. Our campus feels like a real campus, you know, the ones you see in movies where kids are playing ultimate Frisbee and sitting with there laptops, books and blankets on green painted grass under a shadow of a tree. I wonder if the spring time effects our overall performance, exams, papers, relationships, roommates, dating the whole nine yards. Its strange to think spring has come to this fast, seems like yesterday i was reporting to football camp in the middle of august in the sweltering heat not knowing what to expect, and now were on the verge of prepping for exams and May is less than a month away. Hopefully with exams coming up i can get out alive and in one piece.

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